Use cases

Adapts to the needs of your organisation

Improve convenience & efficiency

A Foodm smartfridge allows people to quickly and easily purchase food without having to leave the office, stand in line at a shop or wait for delivery. This saves time and improves efficiency.

twee werknemers die gezellig samen lunchen
zalmsteak erwtenstoemp van fit & fresh

Cover late shifts, long and irregular hours

For people working late shifts, long or irregular hours, having access to food at any time of day makes it easier to maintain a healthy diet.

Augment in-house catering

For organisations that already have in-house catering, such as a cafetaria, the Foodm smartfridge can be used to keep these meals fresh for longer and extend the hours during which they can be purchased.

Organisations that handle the catering for the smart fridge internally will of course benefit from all the perks that Foodm offers caterers.

persoon die de app gebruikt voor de frigo

What do others think?

Below you can see some pictures of our customers. But curious about what others are saying about us? You can read that here.

Smartfridge at Agristo

Our Smartfridges already shine at these customers.
At your company too?

Smartfridge at Larian Studios
Smartfridge at Carya Group